What’s covered?
In this guide, you’ll learn more about the location-level Scheduler in the Social section of Moz Local and how to create new social calendars for your groups and locations.
Please note: Access to the social media features in Moz Local is dependent on your subscription level. For more information, please see our pricing page.
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Locating the Scheduler in Moz Local
The Scheduler view in Moz Local is similar to the Calendar view. The primary difference is that the Scheduler allows is location-specific. This view will only show you social posts scheduled for a specific location you’re viewing.

You can access the Calendar from the Social section of the left-hand navigation menu while at the location level. If you are currently at the account level, you will only see the Scheduler option in this menu. You can use the dropdown on the top left to select a location to view instead.

Schedule a post
To schedule a new post to your connected social media accounts, click Post Now at the top of the calender or click on the day within the calendar.

This will open the Create Message pop-up window, where you can draft your content and select the networks you’d like to publish to.

Within the Create Message window, you can:
Select the connected social accounts you’d like to publish to — The social networks you have connected to this location will be listed here with a preview of your profile picture. A green check mark in the bottom right corner indicates the platform is selected for your post. Click each profile preview to select or deselect them. Not seeing a platform listed? Make sure it is connected to your location. Learn more about connecting your social profiles.
Monitor message length — As you type your message in the Message box provided, Moz Local will keep track of your total character count on the top right. If your post exceeds the limits for a platform, this will be indicated with a red warning icon. Character limits for each platform are:
Google Posts: 1,500
Facebook: ~63,000
Instagram: 2,200
TikTok: 2,200
LinkedIn: 3,000
Enhance your message — You can add emojis or dynamic text to your message. Dynamic text allows you to add location details to your post, which is helpful when saving and creating post templates.
Rewrite with AI — Click Rewrite with AI to get AI-assisted edits to your drafted message. Enter between 5 and 2000 characters to rewrite a message. The count beside the button indicates how many AI credits you have left for the month for this feature.
Add media to your post — You have the option to add photos, GIFs, or videos to your post using the buttons below the Message box. You can also use the Shorten URL button to condense any links included. Be sure to refer to specific platform guidelines regarding image size. Need help? Here’s a handy guide from Sprout Social.
Choose from Library — If you have uploaded images to your library in Moz Local, you can access them here and add them to your posts.
Create with Canva — If you need to create an image from scratch, click Create with Canva to open Canva and get started. Please note: You will need to have a Canva account already and will be asked to login if you are not already.
Tag your post — Add tags to your post to help organize them within Moz Local. Tags can help sort and filter your content library, images, and more. Please note: Tags entered into this field are internal only and will not be displayed in your public post.
Schedule your post — To schedule a post for the future, check the box here and enter the date and time you’d like to post. If you’d prefer to post immediately, leave the box unchecked.
Exact Time or window of time — Use the drop-down to the right of the time fields to designate whether you’d like your post to go live at the exact time entered or within a designated window. If you select a window (e.g. ± 40 minutes) the tool will select a random time within that timeframe to post. This can help scheduled posts look more natural as they populate in feeds.
Peak Time — Your peak time comes directly from Facebook and is used to help you understand the most ideal times for you to post on your Facebook page. Click the Peak Time button to automatically adjust your selected time of day.
Mark a post as a contest — If you are running a contest on social media, you can indicate that using this checkbox. After checking the box you’ll have the option to send an End Time for the contest and a way for the winner to be chosen (Most liked comment or Random commenter)
- Review what networks you’re posting to — Before clicking Schedule Post, double-check that you’re posting to the right platforms and formats using the Posting As section.

As you connect additional social media platforms and start creating posts for them, you may see additional options for your posts populate in the Create a Message box; however, the primary fields should remain the same. Some examples of optional fields that might populate are:
The option to select a post type for Google Business Profile
The option to post to your story or your grid for Instagram
And more.
Use a post from your Library
If you’ve created a library of social posts to pull from, you can use them in the Scheduler view as well.
To add a post from a library to your Scheduler:
Select the Library from the drop-down
Locate post you’d like to schedule
Add it to your scheduler using one of the following methods:
Click Schedule for …
Drag and drop the post to the date you’d like to schedule it for
Click Edit to edit the post and then click Schedule within the popup window

If a library post is meant for multiple platforms, the post will be scheduled for each one. This is indicated by the social media icons in the library view for each post.
Create a posting plan
A posting plan allows you to create a series of posts all at once and set standardized posting times for all of your social channels. It also allows you to easily pull content from Libraries and the Discovery section of your account and automatically add it to your Scheduler.
You can create a posting plan by clicking the Post Plans button at the top right of the Scheduler. This will launch the Create New Posting Plan pop-up.

Another way to create a posting plan is to click the green plus icon button in Social > Discovery.
When creating a new posting plan, you will go through the following steps:
Name your plan — Choose a name for your plan. Make sure to choose something descriptive to help with identification later.
Select your networks — Select the networks you’d like content to be posted to with this plan.
Choose your times — Shoes when you’d like content to be posted with this plan.
Recurring — With the recurring option, you can select specific days of the week and time frames for the plan to post on a recurring, automatic basis. Click the + or - to add additional posting times.
Manual — With the manual option, you can hand-select the days and times you’d like posts to go live using a calendar.
Options — Specify when this posting plan should start and end and where it should pull posts from.
- By selecting a Library for this posting plan to pull from, the tool will automatically schedule posts on your behalf using content from that library. If you have created a library for this plan or if you have a library in mind, it might come in handy to use tags to filter specific messages into this plan. If you decide to tie a posting plan to a Library, the plan will automatically ensure that a post will never be used twice.

Once you’re ready, click Next.
If you have selected a Library to associate with this plan, posts will automatically populate your Scheduler based on the rules and parameters you have set.
If you choose not to select a Library, you will be moved to the Discovery view where you can begin to fill your plan manually by selecting content. The posting plan will be outlined at the top of the page with scheduled dates and times. Hover over a date and click Edit to create your own post for that date or select content from the News, Libraries, and Blogs tabs.
One important detail to remember is that if you want to use the Autofill Plan feature, you must choose a created Library to source from. This feature will not source from the News and Blogs section. You can find the Autofill feature in the Library tab next to the News, Blog, and Events tabs. Once in this view, you can select a Library to source from and click the Autofill Plan button.

Delete a posting plan
If you ever need to delete a posting plan, you can do so by first clicking Post Plans the same way you did to create the initial plan. You will then see a list of your active post plans. Click Delete to remove the posting plan and delete all future scheduled posts.

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