
What's covered?

In this guide, you’ll learn more about the Sentiment view in the Reviews section of your Moz Local account. 

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Locating Sentiment in Moz Local

Regularly performing sentiment analysis can help you analyze trends and monitor customer feedback in digestible and actionable ways. With the Sentiment feature in Moz Local, performing these analyses is now easier than ever.

The Sentiment view in Moz Local is able to be accessed from the account, group, or location level. To access this feature, first head to Reviews, then click Sentiment in the left-hand navigation menu.

Screenshot of the menu location for Sentiment.

At the top of the screen, you can filter your Sentiment data by date, review network, and rating. By default, the time filter will begin with the Last 30 Days. 

You will also have the option to send this report via email or to download it as a PDF or XLSX file.

Screenshot highlighting the filters and share options in Sentiment.

Sentiment Trends and Top Keywords

The first section of your Sentiment report includes two graphs — one for Sentiment Trends and one for Top Keywords Mentioned.

Screenshot of the sentiment graphs.

The Sentiment Trends graph displays the percentage of positive, negative, or neutral keywords used in your online reviews. Trends are calculated by taking into account the positive, negative, or neutral keywords mentioned in your reviews and dividing them by the total mentions of that word.  

The Top Keywords Mentioned graph shows the five keywords with the most mentions over the time period selected. This graph will show spikes in mentions of your top keywords so that you can track trends over time. Click the words below the graph to remove them from the graph itself. 

Reviews Word Cloud by Sentiment

Screenshot of the sentiment word cloud.

Below the graphs will be a word cloud that will display up to 100 clickable keywords used in your reviews, color-coded based on sentiment. Within the word cloud, keyword size is determined by how often the keyword is used in your reviews — the larger the keyword, the more often it is used.

Green keywords have a positive sentiment associated with them, while red have a negative sentiment associated with them. If a keyword is grey, this indicates a neutral sentiment.

If you’d like to see more information for a specific keyword, you can click the keyword to open the keyword analysis pop-up.

Screenshot of the sentiment word analysis pop-up.

This helpful window will show you the top five positively and negatively used adjectives associated with a specific keyword along with a graph that outlines positive and negative mentions of the keyword over time.

Below the graph and adjectives, you will see a list of all reviews where the keyword is found. The word will be highlighted in red, green, or grey within the review to show the sentiment assigned to the word.

Top Mentioned Keywords

Finally, you will see a table that lists the Top Mentioned Keywords from your word cloud so you can compare them side-by-side. By default, this table will be sorted by the total number of mentions for each keyword. 

Screenshot of top mentioned keywords table.
  1. Keyword — The top-mentioned keyword
  2. Presences — The total number of mentions of that particular keyword
  3. Positive — The number of positive uses of the keyword
  4. Neutral — The number of neutral uses of the keyword
  5. Negative — The number of negative uses of the keyword
  6. % of Reviews — The percentage of reviews where this keyword is used

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