To check the age of a domain, you can use various online tools and services. Here are a few methods:
WHOIS Lookup:
WHOIS databases store information about domain registrations, including the creation date of the domain. You can use WHOIS lookup services to check the domain age.
You can use websites like,, or use command-line tools if you are familiar with them.
Domain Age Checker Websites:
Several online tools specifically provide domain age information. You can visit websites such as:
Web Archive (Wayback Machine):
The Wayback Machine by the Internet Archive allows you to view archived versions of websites. While it won't give you the exact domain registration date, you can often see when the website was first crawled.
DNS Lookup:
You can use command-line tools like nslookup or online DNS lookup services to find information about a domain, including its creation date.
Domain Registrar:
If you know the domain registrar (the company where the domain was registered), you can often find the domain creation date by logging into your account on the registrar's website.
Check with the Hosting Provider:
If you have access to the hosting account associated with the domain, you may find information about the domain creation date in the hosting control panel.
Remember that some tools might not provide the exact creation date, but they should give you a good estimate of the domain's age. Keep in mind that the accuracy of the information may vary, and some domain owners may choose to keep their registration
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