We're finding the URL on another site or page. We don't actually follow it or perform a GET request, we just collect the URL. This is also why you don't see a status code for the page.
If you scroll down in the Moz list, you'll see that the line for http://cloudz.click/blog/new-data-reveals-67-of-consumers-are-influenced-by-online-reviews includes the page title and a 200 status. That is a page that we have visited as part of the crawl and parsed its source code to find the title and internal links.
With extending the title, we would need to change this across our user interface rather than just on this one page and make sure the change didn't mess with the formatting of this table or any other element using the same code, The length of the URL is determined by pixel size, not number of characters so that it will adapt to screen sizes so changing this element will affect the rest of the table.
You're welcome to use chrome developer tools to change your view, if you'd like. I'd recommend setting the width to around 450 pixels within the a.url element when you're looking at the page. This will allow you to see the full URL in most cases.
As it is possible to download this data as a CSV, this is a lower priority than other changes that we have in progress. We only have a small development team and they are all very busy all the time. I have included your request in our feedback to them and it will be discussed but I can't guarantee that it will be implemented or what kind of timeframe you could expect.