SEO Tools

It's virtually impossible to do modern search engine optimization without SEO tools. From keyword research to link building, tools not only make things more efficient, they can uncover data you can't uncover any other way.

For every task, there is often a suite of different tools to choose from. Here at Moz, we offer an all-in-one SEO software solution, but we also enjoy a number of one-off tools for specialized tasks.

Look to the SEO tools listed here for our top recommendations, and check out the latest blog posts below.

The 55 Best Free SEO Tools : When doing professional SEO, paying for premium tools is typically worth it. For some tasks though, a free tool often gets the job done. Here are our favorites.

Free Local SEO Tools That Belong in Your Kit : This post is a goldmine of local SEO tools, and all of them are 100% free.

The Mobile SEO Stack : Tools to Develop a Mobile-First SEO Process: Mobile SEO expert Aleyda Solis shares her own SEO tool stack for performing world-class mobile SEO.

Technical SEO : The Beginner's Guide to SEO: Before you start using SEO tools, it helps to know what problems you are trying to solve. This guide will help.

SEO Tools by Moz : Check out our own tools which include Keyword Explorer, Link Explorer, the MozBar, and more.

Most Recent Articles on SEO Tools

Free PHP Script for Download: "Where's it Rank?"

Free PHP Script for Download: "Where's it Rank?"

I needed a tool that quickly tells me what page of search results a URL ranks on for a specific keyword. It didn't need any advanced features or complicated options, just something where if I was visiting a page I could hit a button and instantly find out where it ranks for a keyword. I threw together a quick PHP script that does exactly this, including a browser button so I can ...

The 6 Most Dangerous Search Metrics

The 6 Most Dangerous Search Metrics

Except for those lucky few who use SEO to make huge amounts of money for themselves on a daily basis, most of us have to deal with clients - either internal & extarnel. And a large part of dealing with those clients is about managing their expectations. Often people who ...

Grabbing Expiring Domains
Rand Fishkin

Grabbing Expiring Domains

Since domain purchasing has become a major part of SEO (some would say it always has been), and considering how valuable expiring domain names can be, I figured dredging up Mike Davidson's old post on the subject was worthwhile: So if do...

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Going Beyond MarketLeap's Link Popularity Tool
Rand Fishkin

Going Beyond MarketLeap's Link Popularity Tool

In the next 6-8 weeks, SEOmoz is looking to launch a link popularity measurement tool. The gold standard in our industry has long been MarketLeap's classic link popularity checker, but over the last few years, it's become less powerful and relevant. Our goal with this new tool will be to allow users to compare link numbers from seve...

Page Strength: One Week Later

Page Strength: One Week Later

It's been a week since we launched the Page Strength SEO tool and I'd like to give an update on how things went and what lies ahead. First off, I'd like to apologize for the downtime on thursday morning. The tool launched last monday and received a fair amount of traffic that lasted through wednesday. Thursda...

SEOmoz's Latest Kick-Butt Tool - Page Strength
Rand Fishkin

SEOmoz's Latest Kick-Butt Tool - Page Strength

Yes, it really is butt-kickin'. The Page Strength Tool is designed to replace the often inaccurate and infrequently updated Google PageRank score in the toolbar. Sure, we don't have access to nearly the amount of data they do and we're not purporting this to be 100% accurate or even a perfect metric for relative importance (though, in ...

Rand Fishkin


Another site that plugs into - similicious provides data about the folks who've tagged your site. For example, with SEOmoz, it shows that taggers also found sites like A List Apart, Particle Tree, and 24 Ways interesting. It's a good way to ...

Delicious URL History
Rand Fishkin

Delicious URL History has a new (or at least, new to me) URL history tool that tell you who's posted what about the site/page in the past and what they said about it. The history for SEOmoz is bland, but some others are more interesting (WARNING: The service is very slow): Note t...